utorak, 26. svibnja 2020.
Photowall - Wall Art by Passionate People
Sretna sam što sam pronašla stranicu Photowall iz Švedske. Photowall je umjetnost na zidu, imate 15 600 motiva tapeta, zidnih murala, uokvirenih printova, printova na platnu i postera.
Jednostavan i kreativan nacin kako da promijenite izgled interijera - svog doma pomocu zidne tapete.
Nakon on-line kupovine tapeta mi je stigla za dva dana, nitko sretniji od mene :)
I am happy to found the Photowall site from Sweden. Photowall is Wall art by passionate people have 15 600 motifs: Wall Murals, Wallpaper, Canvas print, Framed print and Poster.
Simple and creative way to change the look of the interior - your home with wallpaper.
After buying the wallpaper on-line shop, it arrived in two days, no one is happier than me :)
Kolekcije zidnih tapeta - murala za djeciju sobu, rucno ilustrirane sa puno detalja i bajkovitim izgledom.
Wallpaper collection for children s rooms, illustrated by hand, filled with details and fairytale imaginary.
Sa Photowall tapetama možete transformirati svaku sobu u vašem domu, bez obzira koji je vaš stil.
Motivi su odabrani od najboljih međunarodnih dizajnera i ilustratora.
With Photowall wallpaper, you can transform every room in your home no matter what your style.
They have selected motifs from top international designers and illustrators.
Photowall daje 25 % diskont za sve moje sljedbenike. Kad budete odabrali proizvod upišite kod biljanashabby2021 ( automatski ce vam smanjiti iznos za 25 % ). Možete ga koristiti koliko puta želite :)
Photowall gave a 25 % discount for all my followers.
When you are ready to order your product, kindly use this code at checkout: biljanashabby2021
You can use it as much as you want.
Na stranici Photowall pronaci cete savršenu tapetu ili print za vas.Ima toliko puno motiva da možete odabrati i personalizirati vaš dom.
Ja sam iznimno zadovoljna i preporučam svima.
Do iduceg posta, puno pozdrava,
xoxo Biljana
You will find the perfect wallpaper and prints for you in Photowall collection
There are so many motifs you can select and personalize your home.
I am extremely pleased and recommend to everyone.
Until the next post,many greetings,
xoxo Biljana
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